Smart and cheap energy for Thailand?


The German Society for International Co-operation, GIZ, has agreed an Advanced Training Programme for junior managers of PEA, the electricity utility responsible for Thailand (excluding the Bangkok region). As part of this training covering Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Smart Grid, Parinya Kantala is currently spending four months with Easy Smart Grid. In his home region of Chiang Mai, Parinya is responsible for telecommunications technology used for grid management, and has been in charge of this for the first micro grid project in Thailand, Ban Khunpea Microgrid.

During his stay at Easy Smart Grid, Parinya analyzes opportunities to replace diesel in some Thai island grids by cheaper renewables, and develops telecommunications options for an Easy Smart Grid project in Germany. He works with our team on migration scenarios to use demand flexibility to compensate growing RE share in typical hybrid island grids utilizing diesel, PV and wind.

His comment on the first month working in a German company: "This internship has definitely increased my interest in smart grid and microgrid. Because you gave me the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, I had the chance to observe that many places in my country could integrate renewable energy, manage energy efficiency between producers and users efficiently based on economics. Easy Smart Grid staff was extremely welcoming and helpful, and offered me great experiences in Germany"

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