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11-12.12.2014: Workshop & Symposiums : Future Energy Systems | Collective Dynamics and Self-Organization of Power Grids (Göttingen, Germany)

Easy Smart Grid represented at German Research Project Kickoff “Future Energy Systems” in Goettingen on Dec. 11th and 12th

To achieve  the renewable energy target for Germany (80% by 2050), three German Federal Ministries (Education and Research, Environment, Economy and Energy) initiated a research programme on future grids managed by the Juelich Project Centre. Prof. Marc Timme of Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Goettingen together with Prof. Juergen Kurths of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research had integrated the Easy Smart Grid concept into their successful application. From Dec. 10th to 12th a symposium and workshop of the team comprising five institutes was held in the Historic Library in Goettingen. Researchers presented their first results and work plans within the project scheduled for three years, including issues of market effectiveness and grid stability of Easy Smart Grid. A first publication on dynamic grid stability with decentralized frequency-based economic feedback a la Easy Smart Grid is now accepted and will be published in the renowned open access journal  (Schaefer, Matthiae, Timme,  Witthaut, Decentral Smart Grid Control,  New Journal of Physics, accepted November 2014). Easy Smart Grid's role in the project is also to help researchers understand real applications and their needs.

Link to the presentation held by Thomas Walter.