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    InterConnect / Easy Smart Grid
    Empower Energy Consumers though Stimuli

The InterConnect project

As more and more elements of smart energy systems are deployed, attention now shifts to how these pieces fit together. The European Union wants to ensure that its citizens, and the smart appliances they use, can productively co-operate with, actively support, and benefit from an energy system in transition to 100% renewables. The EU-funded project InterConnect therefore chose its claim as

Interoperable solutions connecting smart homes, buildings and grids

This large project includes 50 partners and eleven countries. Responding to an open call for innovative ideas, Easy Smart Grid proposed a work programme “Empower energy consumers through stimuli” to contribute its innovative technology and pilot site to the success of this project. Within six months, and with our project partner ISC Konstanz, we worked to

  • Integrate our solution into the SAREF ontology (SAREF stands for “Smart Appliance REFerence standard”) and the SIF (Semantic Interoperability) Framework.
  • Enhance the existing local optimisation by external stimuli (typically dynamic energy or grid tariffs) that minimize distribution/transmission grid bottlenecks and grid extension cost.
  • Contribute to a more decentralized energy management architecture and distributed intelligence, responding to the changes of the energy system itself. To combine performance with convenience and low cost, this requires new IoT architectures aligning decentralized, real-time EDGE elements with powerful, yet more traditional IT.
  • Build relations with other InterConnect partners to identify synergies and explore potential for jointly scaling project results.



We are thankful for the invitation to the final project meeting and the suggestion to present our work in this video clip:
